I saw this picture on Pinterest and wow does it describe my life perfect right now
I probably haven't clued you in, but I have the honor of guiding my sorority through recruitment this year... oh hey Membership VP. But to whom much is given much is expected. In my case that means chapter total is going up and unlike the usual informal spring recruitment, we are having "semi" formal recruitment (whatever that means) Now getting finding my "me" time just got a little bit more complicated. God bless my sisters and my poor boyfriend. My scattered brain just went to a whole new level. So back to the texts, FB messages, and constant to do lists, and oh wait my new BFF: MY PLANNER! Who knew plans were so important?!Love to all!
(messages of encouragement or advice greatly appreciated ;) )
Oh yeah I forgot and school...so that's what I'm here to do.... ;)
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